Where Are All the UFOs?
The History Channel documentary Where Are All the UFOs? can be found on Netflix. At minute 29:43 in the UFO documentary, the viewer experiences a glimpse of history that could serve as a centerpiece in a museum of the human psyche: a badly filmed 8mm UFO hoax that was perceived as authentic at the time. Audiences were inexperienced, and television was very young, having just been proliferated along with the atomic bomb. Visitors from outer space began to visit the United States frequently, and the American landscape was fertile to reinvent its folklore. Little green men were here to stop a nuclear winter. The documentary offers the viewer an honest approach into the birth of America’s UFO frenzy and what can now be collected into a series of cultural movements harvested by the fear of foreign invaders and the reality that humanity could blow itself to kingdom come at any moment. -Contributing Blogger, Arthur Mhan